Privacy Policy

Welcome to RacingEye! Your privacy is important to us. This Privacy Policy explains how RacingEye collects, uses, and protects your information when you are visiting our website

By using our Site, you agree to the terms outlined in this policy.

1. Information We Collect

We carefully collect the following information, or more, from our users. Please review it thoroughly.

1.1 Types of Information

When you are using, we may collect various information and  details about you, including but not limited to the specific ones:

  • Email addresses
  • Full Name
  • Phone Numbers
  • User/Device ID/Internet Protocol Address
  • Anonymized behavioral data regarding your interaction with our website.

1.2 Collection Methods

We collect this information through various methods, such as cookies, tracking systems, and when you register to get our services. Additionally, information may be collected over the phone or through written or other communications i.e Emails etc.

1.3 How We Use Your Information

We use the information for purposes including order fulfillment, market research, identity verification, personalizing your experience on the site, and keeping you informed about changes, promotions, or products that may interest you. We also use the information for statistical, technical, and logistical analysis.

2. Sharing Your Information

2.1 Who We Share With

We do not sell, trade, rent, or make your personal information available to others outside of RacingEye. However, we may share anonymized statistics and details with our associated companies and selected partners.

2.2 Legal Compliance

We may disclose personal details to law enforcement, regulatory bodies, or government authorities if required by law or to investigate suspected illegal activities.

2.3 Business Changes

In the event of a sale, merger, consolidation, change of control, or reorganization, we may transfer or assign your information to third parties.

3. Data Security

3.1 Security Measures

We have implemented measures to prevent misuse, accidental destruction, loss, or alteration of your personal details. Third parties receiving your information are required to adhere to the same security standards.

3.2 Chat Areas and Forums

Be cautious about disclosing information in public services, as we are not responsible for the disclosure of any information you post in such areas.

4. Transfer of Details Overseas

Given the global nature of the Internet, your personal details may be processed overseas. We ensure that any third party receiving your details will take appropriate steps to safeguard them.

5. Retention and Deletion

We will retain your information for as long as necessary and delete it in line with your rights under applicable regulations.

6. Invoking Your Rights

Under applicable regulations, you have rights regarding your personal information. If you want to exercise these rights, contact us through our Email.

7. Cookies

We adhere to global cookie regulations. For details on the types of cookies used and their usage, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

8. Global Users

Global users have specific rights under applicable laws. To exercise these rights, contact us at contact us through our Email or phone.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, contact our Data Protection Officer or email us with your query and subject.

10. General

This Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of the United Arab Emirate(UAE). Nothing in this policy restricts or excludes any liability that cannot be excluded by law.